a-musik HomeMailorderArtistsVON SPAR


"2017, eleven years after the beginning of work on Garzweiler II (the controversial extension of the mining area) and three years after their celebrated "Streetlife" LP, Von Spar present their "Garzweiler" EP on Altin Village & Mine. On it are four tracks on which the ...
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warehouse find, special offer, new copy, sealed. "When Von Spar made their ciritcally acclaimed entrance in the pop circuit in 2003 they were regarded as the German answer to the Post-Punk / No-Wave-renaissance. But their debut was more a clever parody about ...
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warehouse find, special offer, few copies back in stock "When Von Spar made their ciritcally acclaimed entrance in the pop circuit in 2003 they were regarded as the German answer to the Post-Punk / No-Wave-renaissance. But their debut was more a clever parody about ...
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