"'Dream team trio Better Corners - Valentina Magaletti, Sarah Register and Matthew Simms - have completed a staggering new album Continuous Miracles: Vol. 2 for state51 Conspiracy, and where their debut LP joyfully opened the door to a brand new room, this one strides purposefully inside. Renowned drummer/percussionist Magaletti (Holy Tongue, Vanishing Twin, Moin), avant rock musician and in demand mastering engineer Register (Kim Gordon, Talk Normal) and multi-instrumentalist and modular obsessed Simms (Wire, MEMORIALS) inject an all-too-rare sense of childlike wonder and joy into their own inimitable collage of experimental rock, wonky dream pop, analog ambient, tape experimentation, avant percussion, modular electronics and noise music. It is this sense of fun that led to one of the band's "uncovers": 'Modulating De Niro' began with a solo piano version of Bananarama's 'Robert De Niro's Waiting' which was then sent on a very long journey through modular synth patches and FX chains until it became the unrecognisable to the original and the majestic beast it is now. The album centres round the colossal 16- minute-long 'Career Test', a dynamic trip through glitch-enhanced noise, machine dub and the ambience of amplified rock music, to a transcendent, mind-expanding modern raga." (label info)
in stock | UK| 2024| THE STATE51 CONSPIRACY | 33.90

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