"Presage is an LP less split than twinned, like stars, each side pulled into a mesmerising gravitational dance by the other's backspin. Black Dirt Oak and Jantar, siblings of sibilance and site, complete one another's sentences in a dark and uncanny psychic psalmistry. For their part, Black Dirt Oak stomps out a series of chthonic ur-grooves, filthy bare feet splintered by silicon shards and splashing in puddles of molten rare earths. They kick up a black angel dust of decaying carbon-based lifeforms mingled with that of pulverized electronics, and the plume rises into the welcoming embrace of this album's other side, its sky. Jantar unfurls their canopy in a processional of single piano notes, bowed mists and skeins of flute light as cirrus. Once adrift, the vapors and star-like entities synchronize and calibrate themselves to a mysterious lunar pageant, a watery and flowing tide of incantatory voices pulled high behind its own luminous gravity. The two sides of Presage are distinct but describe in tandem the elemental contours of a shared world: namely, that of Black Dirt Studio and these musicians, some of whom have been recording here in other more familiar constellations for a decade now." (label info)
in stock | UK| 2015| m-/m-| MIE MUSIC | 12.00

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