green vinyl "L'Autopsie Phenomenale De Dieu is the incredible debut album from Belgian artist, Kreng. Upon initial listening, L'Autopsie Phenomenale De Dieu immediately presents itself as a fully-realized body of work, with focus, flow and continuity. It may therefore come as a surprise to discover that the album mainly comprises recordings created for a variety of separate theatre productions, and even more of a surprise to learn that the compositions found here are sample-based constructions. The pieces incorporate sounds and material from a variety of sources: free-jazz, new electronic-generated sounds, classical modernism and vintage geographical recordings. The subtleties of the techniques Kreng has employed in the creation of these pieces is simply stunning. Discordant segments of wailing, top-end violins give way to clunking rhythmic passages of metal marimbas and tuned percussion; free-roaming passages of rasping, low-end brass and the shuffle of free-jazz recall the work of Prestige-era Moondog, as well as aspects of Harry Partch's instrumentation via mid- to latter-day period Tom Waits - all are at work here. Atonal ambiance and slow builds, eerie segues into low murk, and a haunting solo soprano voice are all pulled together to make perfect sense, often in terrifying ways. The creative process in Kreng's twisted soundscapes works perhaps in parallel with the abstract and often disturbing work of Belgium's Abattoir Ferme theater company, which has used many of the scores found here in a variety of their productions. In this context, the dark and threatening moods the album creates suggest it may house more subversive, ritualistic, even occult undertones; and in fact, Kreng's music is based upon the possibility of silence as a confrontational weapon." (label info)
in stock | NO| 2009| m-/m-| MIASMAH | 25.00

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