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"Hans G Helms hat zwischen 1959 und 1968 drei Sprachkunstwerke geschaffen, die zu den fortschrittlichsten ihrer Gattung gehören: "Fa:m' Ahniesgwow", "Golem" und "Konstruktionen" erweitern in unterschiedlicher Intensität die phonetischen, semantischen und syntaktischen ...
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9783863359317 | VERLAG WALTHER KÖNIG

"The first comprehensive publication on his work focuses on his "intermedia" work between Düsseldorf, West Berlin and New York in the late 1960s to 1980s. During this period, the Beuys student and sculptor Konrad Schnitzler developed into the Zodiak founder and ...
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9-783753-304373 | VERLAG WALTHER KÖNIG

Exhibition catalogue Bregenz 2009/10. Texts by Gunter Gebauer & Friedemann Malsch, Interview by John Welchman. 160 S. with 80 coloured plates, in german and english. CD with music by Tony Oursler. Dust jacket slightly used, otherwise in fine condition
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978-3-86560-719-5 | VERLAG WALTHER KÖNIG

"Nicolai is considered to be amongst the most important representatives of a whole generation that finds itself at the beginning of the 21st century. Among those artists who deserve serious attention as crossovers between art, music, technology and nature, he has for ...
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