"Listening to the music of Al Doum & Faryds is always like staying in the pristine nature of an exotic island, in the sacred harmony of a New Organic Society; imaging all brothers and sisters singing and dancing in the unity of the brotherhood. This is the message of love and joy that pervade this fourth album. Moving towards accents of jazz ancestry, the Faryds absorb and re-elaborate - with remarkable insights - disparate elements and influences of Electric Jazz of the 70's (Miles Davis, Dr.John) and Spiritual Jazz (Sun Ra, Pharoah Sanders, Don Cherry), marrying them with the forceful instances of Afro-Free (Pyramids, Alkebu-Lan). The music celebrate a new collective soul, a dancing cathartic ritual with birds, plants and all the animals, together in the circle of devotion. A journey in the total pranic breath." (label info) also availble on cd
soon in stock - please pre-order | IT| 2018| BLACK SWEAT RECORDS | 16.90

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