"HELICE PIED is a newcomer from Athens, Greece, who had a few outstanding releases before under the nom de plume NIXILX.NIJILX, but for this very first vinyl release a new project-name was chosen. #Conduit No.2# is a perfect example of sensibly spun experimental drone, floating waves with metallic tinkling-sounds slowly approaching and disappearing again, soft white noise-swooshes circulating widely around an invisible center... sound-sources are hardly recognizable (coming from concrete sounds of churchbells and e-guitar), the atmosphere rising is one of quietness & meditation, able to transcend your mind. All words & symbols HELICE PIED uses (see inlay & cover-structure & endgroove) have a strong structural and inter-related meaning...Filed under: hologram-drones." (label info)
in stock | DE| 2006| DRONE | 6.90

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