""Galactic Tornado" shows Kazuyuki Kishino in his best form ever as experimental electronic music composer. As most of KK Null's works released during a few past years, "Galactic Tornado" features the deeply abstract, dense & dynamic electronic music that KK Null has become recognized for. But, on this CD, the composer explores some artistic values of "psychedelic electronic sound" that were widly presented on space/electronic/kraut albums from 70s. KK Null continues enriching his artistic audio-palette, combining strong synthetic "cosmic" sounds from various synthesizers and electronic machines with electro-acoustic audio signals and sonorities. Recommended for listeners who prefer the contemporary experimental sound on its highest quality and for fans of "retro spacey" sounds such as Popol Vuh, Cluster or Tangerine Dream. Limited edition CD release package in luxurious 6-panels digipack with silver lettering and spot varnishing." (label info) last copies, special offer.
in stock | UA| 2008| QUASI POP | 8.90

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