"ASince the early 1980s, the Nexus creature has represented one of the most interesting realities of the Italian jazz scene. Daniele Cavallanti (Aktuala) and Tiziano Tononi (Moon On The Water/D.o.m Alia Orchestra) realize a sensational mix of orchestral praxis and impro-free jazz. The strength lies in the ensemble's variety of timbres, in that precise hybrid of styles reminiscent of the cross-sectional experiences of the 1970s of Zappa, Henry Cow or Charles Mingus. Thus electrifying phrasing, the most hermetic breaks in the plot prevail, which are sublimated, however, in a skillful balance between recognizable themes and more radical instrumental drifts. The choral openings of the woodwinds and the more abstract rhythmic trajectories of Tononi's drums, the abrupt swings of the vibraphone and drums, and the confusing, sparkling inserts of the violin are the dominant features. The drama of the sound also touches more Spiritual-Jazz peaks, evoking the sad story of the slave trade. Noura Tafeche's lysergic cover represents the transatlantic journey and the sincretic history that gave birth to Jazz culture, this drawing takes its cue from the artwork of Mati Klerwein (Miles Davis, Santana)." (label info)
soon in stock - please pre-order | IT| 2023| BLACK SWEAT RECORDS | 23.90

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