"After releasing the now long sold out and incredible Music for Church Cleaners 2LP a few years ago MIE Music brings you Aine O'Dwyer's new record 'Gallarais'." (label info) "Gallarais was recorded between 2013-2015 in the shaft of the Brunel tunnel. The shaft itself is 50ft in diameter and 50ft deep with an acoustic decay of three to four seconds. The square window located in the ceiling of the shaft invited a filter of sound from the outside world; trains from 14ft below, overhead planes, and a pump mechanism, all synthesized with my own sonic contributions, becoming part of the shaft's unified breath. This transformed the tunnels structure into a 'mystic cave' and host for transmigrational sound." (Aine O'Dwyer)
in stock | UK| 2017| m-/m-| MIE MUSIC | 16.00

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