a-musik HomeMailorderArtistsSAGOR & SWING


"The myth of Sagor & Swing tells that they are children of nature that grew up in the forest. That they at an early age built theit first instruments and isolated form the noise of civilization invented a music of their own. What we know for shure, however, is that they ...
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H.12 | HÄPNA

"Sagor & Swing is Eric Malmberg on Hammond organ and Ulf Möller on drums. This is the follow up to their debut album Orgelfärger. Melodier och fåglar (melodies and birds) is minimal and timeless, naive and simple. Eric calls his melodies 'Nothing music'. Something to ...
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"In the living room of a small house in Dalarna, the Swedish countryside, Sagor & Swing has recorded this timeless music evoking the surrounding landscape -- the forests, mountains and lakes. Moody and simple melodies with echoes of old Swedish folk tunes and the nature ...
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