"Addressing the idea of hearing and seeing out and beyond spatial planes, the title Vista references both the aural expanses of Asher's home on a hill in the town of Somerville and Kahn's trips to the Alps and Zürich Lake. In processing and mixing the discrete details ...
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"Suisei is a work composed from field recordings and pump organ. With Suisei, each listener's inner cinema will find its camera lens slowly panning and cross-fading from one enigmatic location to another, as if unveiling ambiguous visual clues pertaining to some ...
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"HADES is based on sound recordings made aboard Lisbon ferries and at the quays of Cais do Sodré, Trafaria and Cacilhas 2001-2005. Both artists had initially set out to record independently, being fascinated with the sounds of the ship hull and landing gear, as well as ...
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"Highly indicative of the nomadic life that international sound artist Michael Northam has come to know over the past 5 or so years, this release represents a sonic recollection of his life dispersed across a vast geography, pinpointing three specific locations and ...
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special offer "With excerpts from Kirschner's original 2001 composition based on the field recording, the CD also includes pieces by Taylor Deupree (USA), Tomas Korber (Switzerland), Ralph Steinbrüchel (Switzerland), and Aaron Ximm (aka Quiet American; USA), all ...
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"Semper is Alluvial's first release of 2005 and is co-released with the and/OAR label. Seattle-based composer Dale Lloyd has collaborated in the past with people such as Yannick Dauby and Michael Northam, and has had work released by labels such as Bremsstrahlung ...
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special offer "Long after the first two releases issued by Ground Fault and Edition Ellipsis, and/OAR & Alluvial Recordings are pleased to finally be able to present the final release in a trilogy covering the sonic expeditions of the French location-specific ...
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"The first piece of this CD mastered by John's friend and collaborator Stephan Mathieu (Sirr.ecords, Lucky Kitchen, Hapna, etc), is unlike much of John's previous work in that it features sharp staccato percussive sounds suddenly dodging in and out, but nevertheless it ...
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