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"In 1990 Johannes Schmoelling released his third studio album, "White Out", which, like its predecessor "The Zoo Of Tranquillity", was a concept album. Ten years later Johannes Schmoelling picked up this album "White Out" again as the premiere album for his newly ...
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"The Zoo of Tranquillity" was inspired by concepts and designs of British artist Paul Spooner, who happens to be a master of sculptural animation. Spooner created an anteater, a lion and a woodpecker among others, for his book "Moving Animals". Johannes Schmoelling was ...
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"A Thousand Times Part 2" is the 2016 studio album by Johannes Schmoelling. The title refers to his penultimate album "A Thousand Times". Similar to that album and its follow-up, "Time And Tide," these recordings are a collaborative effort with his son Jonas Behrens: ...
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"Not only by name "21" is a continuation of the EP "20" from previous year: Once again this is not strictly a solo album by Johannes Schmoelling but a cooperation with other artists. All nine tracks are co-compositions by Johannes Schmoelling and one fellow musician, ...
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""Iconic", released in 2020, is the debut album of the three electronic musicians Johannes Schmoelling, Kurt Ader and Robert Waters. Johannes Schmoelling we all know and love from his time with Tangerine Dream (1979 - 1985) and a number of excellent solo albums like ...
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17.!!! solo studio album of the exceptional electronic musician Johannes Schmoelling. Johannes Schmölling was a member of the electronic rock legend Tangerine Dream from 1979 to 1985
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