special offer! "Roaring through sixteen jagged, misshapen pieces of punk rock in less then 30 minutes, Tokyo's 2UP sweat and wiggle wildly. Teenage Mondo Trash will bring to mind the lost art of punk-house energy and screwball spirit. It's a puzzling and overwhelming experience to say the least. Tetsunori's guitar and vocal work are parallel in execution, delivering a dizzying mix of madcap non-sequitors and tonally varied bits of debris. This also overflows into the lyrical pool as well. With lyrics like "Is everything okay about wiener coffee?" and song titles like 'Sauce', 'Rope', 'Hammer', and 'Mop', it's apparent that 2UP are always teatering on the brink of absurdity. This Japanese duo juxtapose stripped down instrumentation (guitar and drums), with vigorous song structure, polyrhythmic splatter, and artful overload, resulting in a form of punk rock which has been buried under a decade of shameless 'punk' marketing techniques, and manufactured music. Its a punkesque 'fuck you' to method and control, yet there's a precision buried here as well - an almost "math" twist, which will let the listener know that 2UP is anything but novice." (label info)
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