"The painfully anticipated Maxi-EP from Hamburg's Elektrip-Combo Anaerobic Robots. Mark Boombastik (Human Beatbox), Jake Basker (the Rapper) and Felix Kubin (synths and noises) are heroes from diverse music scenes, spinning their spinach from Hip to Noise Hop with Stop-Trick-Musik in the background. Reluctantly they threw their ego-die into the air in order to come up with a tin-can beat of 4-track music quality. Following the unusual electro-rap songs of their predecessor Max Turner ("Matchbox Jump and Jeepbeats", GR 2006) these 3 tornados grab the roots of the big subjects of our time and rip them out of reality. Stinky robots, option paralysis and angels with beards: spiders everywhere!" (label info)
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