""Fabrication 2" ist the sequel to "Fabrication", the first collaboration between Richard Chartier and Asmus Tietchens released in 2007. Whereas for the first collab the idea developed from the project around reinterpretations of Chartier's "Postfabricated" this time the efforts where directly focussed on the reinterpretation of specific basic sound material. This basic sound material can be found on the first disc in the set "Prefabrication 2" which was constructed by Richard Chartier alone in Montreal and Washington, DC. "Fabrication 2" is the reworking of this sonic basis by Asmus Tietchens. Whereas the first CD has traces of subtle dematerialized rhythmic structures the second disc is a study in minimalism and concentrated sound manipulation" (label info) Gatefold sleeve, cover painting by Richard Chartier, limited to 500 copies.
in stock | DE| 2010| AUF ABWEGEN | 17.90

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