"In addition to Bonnen's own pieces, LiederBook vol VI features interpretations of music by composers as diverse as Jimi Hendrix, Manfred Niehaus, Bob Dylan, Ernst Gaida-Hartmann, Andreas Schilling and Frank Zappa, as well as settings of texts by Kurt Schwitters, Chief Seattle and from the Bible, among others. Lamenting, loving, waging war - why? Handel's question in "Messiah"is juxtaposed with the philosophy of the Native North Americans; a love song meets a swan song. Russian house rules, sung by a choir, meet a shepherd's song to drive away the sheep. The song "Don't Cry" from the comedy "Real Russian Detective" was a small underground hit. And in the end, it all drifts away in a lifeboat. The LiederBooks are published exclusively on vinyl. On the one hand to pay homage to the medium of musical socialisation, on the other hand to pick up the "musical" form of the LP, an album of two arcs of about 20 minutes each." (label info)
soon in stock - please pre-order | DE| 2024| OBST | 24.90

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