special offer! "The seventh installment of our DIV/ORCE series, a split 7" series devoted to transcending the trivial boundaries of genre, pairs up two Bay Area acts. Wobbly, a San Franciscan with a vigorous back catalog, including releases on Tigerbeat6, and collaborations with MATMOS. His track, Tiny Tongue, features guest vocals by Kevy B (AKA Kevin Blechdom) and, as a first in the series, guest instrumentation by his 7" partners, BULBS. It's a wiggly road, teeming with wet noodle guitar waver, elastic drums, and the type of vocal manipulation that evokes DAT POLITICS references; a beautifully dizzy track. Bulbs, a two piece of live-processed guitar and drums (although you'd never guess it), assemble a marvelously composed mélange of harmonious static. The track lazily transitions from various degrees of dynamics, eventually locking into a rhythm led by ghost drums. Best listened to a loud volumes." (label info)
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