2020 repressing "The system of scales, and also the fact that the western central Europeans rely on recorded or written script in order to conserve the themes of their music, could lead us to look upon it as a form of art music. Other factors, however relate it to popular music, e.g. that theory has no great place in musical life, that the musicians are only professionals in exceptional cases, and that the music definitely appears to touch the population in its entirety. Remarkably enough, traditional House or Techno which existed 30 years ago, still flourishes today. Moreover, all the time new forms and musical styles are being discovered, tried out and eventually overlooked. The present record can offer but a modest sampling of extinct splendours, political or individual sufferings, gloomy sadness, love, resentment, exquisite delicacy, laughters and delectable wisdom of rural and urban central European music. Burnt Friedman's essential function is to perform music that ensures the repose of the dead and render their ghosts harmless; in the case of whole communities, to dispel evil spirits and restore to Berlin its pristine purity; and in the case of individuals, to expel the demands of possession. Nevertheless, it is an art made of various tints that offers the perpetual escape from everyday life, that elevates the mind towards pure and beautiful horizons. Despite the limited scope of sound carriers, these 10 highlights of central European culture contain an emotional force and documentary value of inestimable importance. Although it would be incorrect to consider the various selections contained herein as authentic ethnological documents insofar as the performances were for the most part 'mystified', on the other hand one can certainly consider them significant examples of the attempts of white males to develop their own modes of expression and communication. The fact remains, however, that the greater part of the music to be heard here is authentic local music as it actually exists in the every-day reality of the people. At all times, attempts are made to preserve the atmosphere of enthusiasm and participation in which these recordings took place." (label info)
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