"Folklore des Weltalls 2 comes out for his 40th artistic anniversary, with two songs for every celestial body in our solar system, including Pluto and the Moon; on the A-Side a so-called "Dance Song" and on the B-Side a "Dream Song". The songs appear on the record in the same order in which the bodies circle around the Sun. That means that the centre of the record (the label) represents the Sun, and is surrounded by the planets and other bodies, giving us a map of our solar system as we look at the record. 20 new (instrumental) songs, from die Welttraumforscher are included, giving an extraordinary glimpse of the recording work of die Welttraumforscher in their hidden studio. It is deeply connected with one of their favourite ideas: that outer space and especially our solar system is full of music which is only waiting to be discovered. Isti mirant stella (these men wonder at the star). Love is gravity." (label info) Limited repress of 100 copies
in stock | IT| 2023| LES GIANTS | 19.90

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