"Erewhon Calling is a survey of how a bunch of antipodean misfits and malcontents have forged new ways and new reasons to make noise, here at the end of the earth. Edited by Bruce Russell (the Dead C.), in association with Richard Francis and Zoe Drayton; the aim of this volume is to survey the full range of 'non-standard' audio practices in contemporary NZ culture. The book's remit runs from the borders of composed art music, through improvised noise, to deconstructed 'rock'n pop filth'; and every genre, every scene, every permutation of unconventional audio practice in-between. Text / page works by Branden W. Joseph, Phil Dadson, Bruce Russell, Michael Morley, Byron Coley, Alastair Galbraith, Empirical, White Saucer, Clayton Noone, Andrew Clifford, Jeff Henderson, Daniel Beban and Nell Thomas, Su Ballard, Jon Bywater, Dan Vallor, Clinton Watkins, Witcyst, Andrew Scott, Campbell Kneale and Antony Milton, Vitamin S, Jon Dale, Mark Williams, Nathan Thompson, Beth Dawson, Sean O'Reilly, Kraus, Sean Kerr, Peter Stapleton, Stephen Clover, Dugal McKinnon, Omit, Peter Wright, Jo Burzynska, Ian-John Hutchinson, Kim Pieters, Paul Winstanley, Gentle Persuasion, Zoe Drayton, Simon Cuming, Stevie Kaye, Rachel Shearer, Richard Francis, Rosy Parlane, Kiran Dass, None Gallery, Zita Joyce." (label info)
in stock | NZ| 2012| AUDIO FOUNDATION | 39.00

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