"Felix Kubin, the nuclear powered horseman of apocalyptical dance music, brings forth a new solo album. Zemsta Plutona strikes through our living room like lightning, leaving scorch marks and enlightened souls. The opening track, Lightning Strikes sets the path: The rhythm from a distorted human beatbox, enervating synth lines and an operatic chorus result in a Kubin hit par excellence. Atomium Vertigo opens the door to a magnetic groove to which Nicolas Ekla (Lem, Les Brochettes) murmurs foggy French negations. Nachts im Park (At Night in the Park) on the other hand, sounds like a soundtrack to a modern Edgar Wallace thriller: retro-futuristic computer music, the opposite of Easy Listening, but flirting with it. New on this album is the inclusion of amplified acoustic instruments like drums, trumpet, trombone or laundry rack. In Piscine Resonnez! synth-8th-sequences and fanfare sounds wonder around for themselves while angry French girls yell something about manta rays in the swimming pool. Kubin dedicates himself to the great theme of feeling remote controlled in Der Kaiser ist Gestorben (The Kaiser is Dead). Several of these tracks were mixed by Hamburg's grand producer Tobias Levin whose skills could already be heard on the collaborative album Echohaus. His cellphone ring tone is set to Zemsta Plutona, which by the way means Pluto's revenge in Polish. This track originated through a single improvised session of mixing a loop while working on the track Speed. Zemsta Plutona is released in cooperation with Hamburg's notorious ZickZack label." (label info)
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