"Almost ten years have passed since Funckarma's first records on the Djak-UP Bitch label, but the Funcken brother haven't shown any sign of fatigue along the way. With records on Neo Ouija, N5md and Hymen and remarked side-projects such as their albums with Shadow Huntaz on Skam or Cane and Quench, these two producers have shown that they had their ears right open to new sounds, styles and atmospheres. Ad Noiseam is proud to welcome these two virtuosos to the fold, for the second volume of their dubsteporiented series (first volume on the Highpoint Lowlife label in mid-2008). "Dubstoned vol. 2" shows Funckarma re-appropriating the dubstep trend and mixing it with their sciencefiction sounding, bass-heavy electronic dub. Not an act to just follow a recipe or embrace a trend, Funckarma however turns dubstep into a moody, science-fiction sounding electronic monster, full of sharp edits, dynamic changes and insidious hip hop influences." (label info)
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