"George Toet Smits started out playing mouth organ and guitar in Ferre Grignard's band in the 1960's, he was also a vibrant part of the Ercola collective in Antwerp, where he co-published "Spruit", a comic/fanzine or "mannekesblad" full of psychedelic insanity, has always been connected to Radio Centraal where he did the incredible "zbolk night radio" , a show weekly remixing his own music, both electronic and recordings of his sound sculptures. he silkscreened under the "mafprint" moniker, was losely connected to the "vacuum" artist space, played in the "Cash? Cash!" film by Paul Collet and started building his own string/isomo instruments after finding a surfboard on a beach. this one sider is a recording of the long string instalations he build for his first exhibtion at ICC in antwerp, it is a archival recording from 1981. metals, strings, feathers and springs amplified by isomo creating a weird psychedelic ball of confusion. this edition includes an insert with photo's from the man's archive, a silkscreen on the b side and a interview that patrick vandenberghe did in early spring 1997, a few months before the illness was diagnosed that sadly took his life. limited to only 200 copies!" (label info) one sided lp
in stock | BEL| 2011| ULTRA ECZEMA | 18.90

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