"Initially getting to know each other when Giulio released 'Tarsia' on Ian's Nomadic Kids Republic label back in 2011, the two have become firm friends and have continued to work on music together steadily since. 'Consequence Shadows' was initially termed 'snow sketches' as they shared files back and forth between Giulio's home in Italy and Ian's homes in Japan, the UK, and now Poland in this time. This working name for each piece (each noted as parts 1 to 5 in their correspondence) has lent heavily to the overall feel, highlighting the imbued sense of fragility in the subtle melodies as they evolve through the field-recorded white noise frequencies throughout. The name 'Consequence Shadows' came about as a reflection on the photographic work of Eirik Holmøyvik, whose work once again is used alongside Ian's releases. With bold imagery and its play on light, the art reflects the more overt elements of 'Consequence Shadows', as they serve to show the great depths of that which is hidden from view, and therefore, unknown at first glance. Upon diving into these depths, we discover a world beyond; a world of calm surface but an unknown entity below. Whilst 'Consequence Shadows' will no doubt be (rightly) marked as an ambient work, the pieces stretch genre definitions as they converse with submerged beats, freckled frequencies, guitar echoes, direct vocal studies, and sustained piano chords, among many other directions. The closing piece is the nearly twenty minute beautifully epic reworking of 'Other Ashes' by Belgian artist Stijn Hüwels." (label info)
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