"Formed in the early days of the current decade, Jarse are a power duo from Turku who swear by the name of psychedelic minimalism. Det gar runt igen is the band's meticulously honed debut album - one that has been nearly finished for years but, owing to a number of unlucky coincidences, hasn't seen the light of day until now. Among the stand-out moments on the album are a five-minute guitar solo, the longest yet on a Fonal release, as well as the title track, which redefines the Swedish-language psychedelia in Finland. These are the tools with which Jarse blaze the trail for the psychedelic revolution. The album also features colleagues from related outfits Kiila and Shogun Kunitoki, and it was mastered by Risto Ylihärsilä of label mates Risto. As a band, Jarse didn't materialise out of thin air: the members have served time in other bands such as Shogun Kunitoki, Kiila, Pymathon, Kemialliset Ystävät, Taco Bells, Dimi's Re-connected (who operate Erkki Kurenniemi's erstwhile instruments) and Pöllöt." (label info)
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