cover little used from storage "Two composers thriving to crea"te musical aesthetics out of cold, clinical electronic sound. Although Kaffe Matthews' recorded works are mostly based upon improvisational sessions and Martux' is purely composed, both clearly show that it's ideas that weigh, more so than the use of affective or anecdotal material. "Dissectio" has been originally commissioned by GMEA (Groupe de Musique Electroacoustique d'Albi-Tarn) and La Muse en Circuit, as a reworking of "Natures Vives II", a chamber electronic music piece by Vincent Geais realized on a Serge modular synth. It has been composed in the GMEA studios during an artist-in-residency and conceived as an extension of Geais work. Martux_M, aka Maurizio Martusciello, created a strong and demanding new work out of "Natures Vives II". Kaffe Matthews continues where 'Dissectio' had evolved into; a gently deve-loping and wringing body of tones, showing an almost opposite way of how to deal with more or less similar sound-components. Matthews has developed a unique sound over the years, one of great subtlety and high intensity at the same time. 'Environmental cleaning moments' might be one of her more quiet works, with great transparency too. These tracks often do not consist of more than slowly modulating tones with different timbres, fine-tuned to get the typical rough-cut sound Matthews gives along to all her work. A certain sweetness is hidden in there, but always with a sharp edgeS Her composi-tions revolve around the idea of repetition -or recycling is perhaps a better word given her extensive use of Live Sampling- at different speeds, either with small ping pong-like proportions of sound, or with long sustai-ned sweeps, occasionally shifting gears and changing harmonic boundaries doing so." (label info)
in stock | NL| 2004| m-/vg+| MIXER | 8.00

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