"Lennert Jacobs' music is an echo of his imagination, inevitably reflecting and reinforcing a natural philosophy of enlightenment. L. Jacobs employs modern and classical instruments to enhance and distill a spirit of humanity through his aesthetic currency of sound. Surveying his debut album 'Enthusiasm' and its instinctive impulses delivers a sublime sonic experience. Specifics of musical styles fade obliquely in service of resonance on a deeper level-sound speaking on a universal language with innately humorous wonkiness whirling you into a state of pure delight. Kaleidoscopic keyboards shape a celebration of freedom and spontaneity. With warped beats, the songs clatter in crafted structures to create obscure alternative atmospheres. 'Enthusiasm' is a sonic lens that lands right from the first moment you hear it, a showcase of musical talent and intuitive expression." (label info)
in stock | BE| 2021| LES ALBUMS CLAUS | 17.90

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