"Los Angeles: city of angels, metropolis of temptation. Its image mesmerises many, reaching its apotheosis at the Oscars. A city of narcissistic glory: faces are polished to perfection and polite smiles are exchanged under a blazing sun. Everyone wants to be centre stage in bustling Los Angeles. For British-American Sarah Morris, this is the ideal moment in its history to capture the city on film for ever. Previously, she portrayed other American metropolises such as Miami (Miami), New York (Midtown) and Washington (Capital). The artist is always looking to discover the underlying structures of a city moving at full steam. She dissects the geography and architecture of the city, but above all, immerses herself in the psyche of its inhabitants. In Los Angeles the camera races headlong through the city, passing luxury villas, flashy film studios, the dolled-up ladies, cosmetic surgeries, but also the commotion surrounding the Oscars and its self-important leading actors. Nothing is too outlandish in this overheated city where everything and everyone appears to be for sale. Visual artist Liam Gillick was musically inspired by the glamour and glitter of Los Angeles; his soundtrack is infused with all of the city's ingredients. This evocative and glittering electronic soundtrack disregards facetious witticisms, yet, all the same, accentuates the breathtaking lust for life of the inhabitants of this metropolis. Gillick's soundtrack for Morris' film Capital appeared also on Semishigure (Semi001)." (label info)
soon in stock - please pre-order | DE| 2001| SEMISHIGURE | 13.90

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