"Spuren & Gegenworte" began with a quasi-telepathic collaboration between KM and RW. Both recorded a track on May 3, 2021, from 8:00 PM to 8:10 PM. These recordings were subsequently transformed, combined, juxtaposed, and further modified over the course of several months, resulting in the completion of the four pieces on the CD. "Spuren & Gegenworte" can be translated as "traces & antonyms", opening up a wide range of interpretations. "Traces" may refer to the remnants of the original sounds that have been transformed in the process of reworking, or it can symbolize the cultural and musical influences that can be discerned. "Antonyms" oscillates between contrasting/contradictory and complementary meanings. Of course, other interpretations are also possible. The 4 titles are indicated as Japanese terms on the cover: They stand for the themes of traces, confrontation, fluctuation, completion.." (label info)
soon in stock - please pre-order | FR| 2023| SONORIS | 12.90

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