"alga marghen presents one of the treasures of the French avant scene of the 1970s, published now for the first time. An ideal parallel to Jac Berrocal cult LP "Paralleles", the realization of these pieces recorded by Daniel Deshays and produced by d'Avantage in 1977 that also conceived a very elaborated sleeve design, was mysteriously discontinued making this record one of the lost jewels of the French underground. Together with Michel Potage and Jac Berrocal, the same ensemble that recorded Berrocal's "Paralleles", or Pierre Bastien of Nu Creative Methods fame, the father of French free jazz Bernard Vitet, Roger Ferlet, Claude Parle, Françoise Achard, the legendary produced and sound engineer Daniel Deshays, poet Jean-Marie Gibbal and a Ford Break, everyone is here following Michel Potage vision and enters into a magic sound territory. Michel Potage was co-founder with Berrocal of the d'Avantage label in 1976, he played in the first Catalogue band (with Jac Berrocal and Jean-François Pauvros), a performer close to Julian Beck's Living Theatre on one side and to James Change no-wave Contortions on the other, musique concrete avant-gardist and poet of destroyed lyrism. After 3 years of elaboration in close connection with the author, alga marghen conceived a new layout with original photos of the recording sessions and proudly co-released this production with d'Avantage. The sound was restored from the original masters by Daniel Deshays. Edition limited to 385 copies, including an LP-size 8-page booklet with complete lyrics and photos from the recording session." (label info)
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