special offer "No doubt, it is going to be great! Three years after his debut as NOVA HUTA Reznicek, the master of strange melodies and swaying hips is finally back with his new album. The record is banging light- heartedly right into spring time avoiding all traps of trendsetting cleverly. While one is bewildered by the abstruse texts and cryptic messages, one´s feet move automatically. Is this rather Fake Gay Disco or avantgarde pop for girls? Or may be Hi LoFi? Totally irrelevant, the melodies catch the ear, the rhythms take the legs and the lyrics get into the head. At any rate it always stays odd and simply special with Reznicek in spite of the many hit qualities. ON MY WAY TO THE TOPLESS TOP That's the only way the world in 2004 is to be defined." (label info)
in stock | PT| 2004| VARIZ | 8.90

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