"With 'A Field For Mixing', Chartier brings the physicality of space directly into his compositional practise. Recording a variety of small and large spaces in Australia, Japan and the USA, Chartier utilises the unique properties of these spaces to create a newly defined acoustic space - one that resonates with his characteristic treatments. Dedicated to Steve Roden, the near 50 minute A Field For Mixing is a wholly engaging journey. It contracts and expands with a curious sense of depth that at times is utterly absorbing - drawing the listener deeper and deeper into the acoustic layers as one aspect is added and another withdrawn. The second piece, A Desk For Mixing (dedicated to William Basinski), is equally measured. Based on his sitespecific installation work "Mixing Desk' presented at the Montalvo Art Centre in 2006, this stereo rendering expands the themes of the installation into a gentle swelling ocean of post-ambiences and high frequency static. Elegant and immersive." (label info)
in stock | AU| 2010| ROOM40 | 13.90

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