STOCK11 - STOCK11.DE (NASU 015) (CD)

special offer "A compilation of four brilliant composed, arranged and performed pieces by the young german composer collective stock11." (label info) Martin Schüttler, Michael Maierhof, Hannes Galette Seidl, Sebastian Berwerck. Tracks: 1. Martin Schüttler: venus_5 (2002) 16:27 min / piano: Sebastian Berweck // 2. Michael Maierhof: splitting 2 (1999) 12:54 min / violoncello: Michael Moser // 3. Hannes Galette Seidl: twisted strip (2002) 14:05 min / zither: Georg Glasl // 4. Nicolas A. Huber: Disappearances (1995) 17:24 min / piano: Sebastian Berweck.
in stock | DE| 2006| NAIVSUPER | 6.90

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