"Music For Films and Theater was the first commercial release of the music of visionary composer Teiji Ito and includes the score for the seminal experimental film by Maya Deren entitled, Meshes of the Afternoon. Ito may be one of contemporary music's most under-recognized composers of the later half of the twentieth century. Exploring electronic music, non-western instruments and a juxtaposition of Asian, Latin and Western European styles as early as 1952, set Ito in the forefront of music styles that developed twenty and thirty years later. This recording of Meshes includes some music that was not contained in the final film version. It is included for the sake of compositional integrity. To our knowledge, all instruments on this recording are performed by Ito. Also included on this recording are The Very Eye of Night (1952) composed for the film by the same name by Maya Deren and Axis Mundi (1982) composed for the theater work entitled, Savages by Christopher Hampton. This work includes Ito performing on rattles, didjeridoos, whistles, ratchets,, drums, flutes, bells, conch shells, berimbau, kazoos, and duck calls among other instruments." (label info)
in stock | US| 1997| m-/m-| WHAT NEXT | 12.00

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