In the magazine: Darius Jones, Steve Roach, Clarissa Connelly, [Ahmed], Shovel Dance Collective, Arushi Jain, Kulku, Harmony Holiday, Richie Culver, Invisible Jukebox: Ka Baird, Global Ear: Dublin, Epiphanies: Aura Satz on the sound of sirens, Inner Sleeve: Raji Rags on D'Angelo, Unlimited Editions: Industrial Coast, Unofficial Channels: The Rest newsletter, plus 40 pages of reviews including Shabaka Hutchings, Eddie Prévost, Creation Rebel, Eugene S Robinson, hcmf 2023 and more. On the CD: 16 new tracks by Jac Berrocal, Elaine Mitchener, Derek Piotr, Heejin Jang, Lori Vambe, Shit & Shine, The Phereomoans, A Lily, Dream Skills & GW Sok, and more.
in stock | UK| 2024| THE WIRE | 11.00

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