"New volume of the Avant Marghen series issued in a numbered edition of 80 copies only. This luxury black boxset edition actually includes the fifth group of 7 LPs previously issued for the VocSon series and now sold out. Each individual LP record includes a numbered Avant Marghen inner-sleeves." (label info) LP 1) Jean-Louis Brau "Instrumentations verbales" LP. LP2) Maurice Lemaitre "Poemes et musiques lettristes et hyperphonie" LP. LP3) Ulises Carrion "The Poet's Tongue" LP. LP4) Anton Bruhin "11 Heldengesänge und 3 Gedichte" LP. LP5) Gil J Wolman "Wolman et son double" LP. LP6) Eduardo Kac & Porn Art Movement "Pornéia" LP. LP7) Jose Luis Castillejo "TLALAATALA" LP
in stock | IT| 2024| ALGA MARGHEN | 129.00

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