"For some time now in the continual hunt for new DJ material to play in the Jazz scene we have been coming across great tracks by current artists that are often only available on digital or cd format, and have been cutting dubplates so we can play them in Jazz Dance gigs. MODERN JAZZ DANCE CLASSICS aims to provide DJs with this new music on vinyl and thus inject new music into the Jazz Dance scene. Following a discussion between Jeff The Fish and Markus at the Staubgold record label in Germany, Staubgold created a new sub label MJDC to do this and here we are, the first collection of some of these tracks that have gone down well in sets across Europe from various Fish events in France including the legendary "Fish Party" in Perpignan, to Genis Worksong's "Cool Fingers" in Barcelona and Melody Nelson's "Home and Abroad" sessions in Hamburg and Hanover in Germany and more in between. If you are a DJ we hope you will find some of these tracks indispensible in your set, and if you are a collector we hope you will find this a great listen and addition to your collection. There are tracks from all over the world carefully selected to make a great set and selection." (label info)
in stock | DE| 2019| m-/m-| STAUBGOLD | 18.00

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