V.A. - SOMETHINGS #1 (CD - USED m-/m-)
"Third installment for our avant-garde / free-improv / difficult listening series. Compilation of unreleased and new, challenging music assembled by Ilya Monosov. Somethings #1 features Chie Mukai, Sarah Peebles, Masayoshi Urabe, Nick Castro, Preston Swirnoff, Andrew Deutsch / John McPhee and of course Ilya Monosov himself. This collection stresses an ill-defined region between composed music and improvisation, where both elements come into play. Some of the pieces use traditional instrumentation, others use field recordings. Regardless of construction, these are all artists working at the farthest boundary of what is defined (or not yet defined) as music, hence the title of the album." (LABEL INFO)
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