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a-musik staff picks may 2016

Benoit and the Mandelbrots, S/t 2LP (Syff)
Black Sun Productions, Dies Juvenalis LP (Hallow Ground)
Johanna Biling, Pulheim Jam Session LP (Apparent Extent)
J.D.Emmanuel, Electronic Minimal Music 3LP (Black Sweat)
Vivien Goldman, Resolutionary (Songs 1979-1982) LP/CD (Staubgold)
High Wolf / The Durian Brothers, High Wolf vs. The Durian Brothers 12" (Diskant)
La Tène: Vouerca/Fahy LP (Three:Four Records)
Lucifer, Black Mass LP (Black Mass Rising)
M.Ostermeier, Tiny Birds CD (Home Normal)
Red Stars Over Tokyo, Deconstructing Happiness LP (Testtoon)

a-musik staff picks april 2016

Chris Abrahams, Fluid to the Influence LP/CD (Room40)
Karel Appel, Musique Barbare LP/CD (Sub Rosa)
Henning Christiansen, Requiem of Art Fluxorum Organum II Opus 50 LP (Penultimate Press)
Peter Cusack, After Being in Holland for Two Years LP (Blume)
Tony Conrad with Faust, Outside the Dream Syndicate LP/CD (Superior Viaduct)
John Duncan, Bitter Earth LP (iDEAL RECORDINGS)
Michaela Melian, Electric Ladyland Book/LP/CD (Lenbachhaus)
Danny Oxenberg & Bear Galvin (Pillow Mt. Conspiracy), Late Superimpositions LP (Three:Four Records)
Razen, Endrhymes LP (K-raa-k)
Ytamo, MI WO CD (Someone Good)

a-musik staff picks march 2016

Masami Akita & Eike Ishibashi, Kouen Kyoudai LP (Editions Mego)
Fatima Al Qadiri, Brute LP/CD (Hyperdub)
Bruckner, Happy End LP (Moozak)
Cavern of Anti-Matter, Void Beats/Invocation Trex 3LP/CD (Duophonic)
Chris Corsano & Pak Yan Lau, Asbestos and Little Rain LP (Les Albums Claus)
From Scratch, Five Rhythm Works LP/CD (EM Records)
The Cray Twins, The Pier CD (Fang Bomb)
Nest, Retold CD (2016 special edition) (Serein)
Harry Partch, A Portrait LP (New World Records)
Steve Reich, Four Organs/Phase Patterns LP (Aguirre)

a-musik staff picks february 2016

AMM, Ammmusic LP (Black Truffle Records)
Sir Richard Bishop / Ava Mendoza, Ivory Tower (Hanuman) LP (Unrock)
Mike Cooper, New Kiribati LP (Discrepant)
Dionysian, S/t LP (iDEAL Recordings)
Driftmachine, Eis Heauton LP (Hallow Ground)
Finis Africae, Amazonia LP/CD (EM Records)
Gagarin Kombinaatti, 83-85 2x12" (Puu)
Gelbart, Preemptive Musical Offerings to Satisfy our Future Masters LP (Gagarin)
Phillip Schulze, Ambassador Duos 2LP (Apparent Extent)
This Heat, S/t LP (Modern Classics)

a-musik staff picks january 2016

Arca, Mutant 2LP/CD (Mute)
Anton Bruhin, Vogelsang/Vogelsong/Vogelsung/Vögelsäng 4CD (Alga Marghen)
FM Einheit/Irmler, Bestandteil LP/CD (Klangbad)
Gabriele Emde, Die Natur der Klänge. Neue Musik für Harfe CD (Edition RZ)
Richard Hamilton & Dieter Roth & Luis Chispas, Canciones de Cadaques 2x7" (Primary Information)
Johann Johannsson with Hildur Gudnadottir & Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, End of Summer LP/CD+DVD (Sonic Pieces)
Konstrukt and Peter Brötzmann, The Message: Live at Kargart 2LP (Holidays Records)
Ross Manning, Interlacing LP (Room40)
Musette, A Cosmic Serenade LP (Häpna)
Guy Reibel, Douze Inventions En Six Modes De Jeu LP (Karlrecords)

a-musik staff top 50 2015

here our the top 50 records of 2015, selected by the a-musik crew. our bestseller, highlights and recommendations - 25 new titles and 25 archival titles/rereleases:

new releases:

Alvarius B, Chin Spirits (Durga) 10" (Unrock)
Luigi Archetti, Null I-VII 7CD (Die Schachtel)
Future Brown, S/t LP/CD (Warp)
John Chantler, Still Light, Outside LP/CD (1703 Skivbolaget)
Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson, Live at l'Etrange Festival 2004 2LP (Black Mass Rising)
Mike Cooper, Fratello Mare LP (Room40)
EEK, Kahraba LP (Nashazphone)
James Ferraro, Skid Row 2LP/CD (Break World Records)
Stavros Gasparatos, Expanded Piano LP/CD (Ad Noiseam)
Will Guthrie, Sacree Obsession LP (iDEAL Recordings)
Laurel Halo, Drift (In Situ/Honest Jon’s) 2x12“/CD
Jlin, Dark Energy 2LP/CD (Planet Mu)
K.I.Z., Hurra die Welt geht unter 2LP (Vertigo Berlin)
Kode9, Nothing LP/CD (Hyperdub)
Lau Nau, Hem. Nagostans CD (Fonal)
Pisse, Mit Schinken durch die Menopause LP (Beau Travail)
Colin Potter, Rank Sonata LP (Hallow Ground)
Romperayo, S/t LP (Discrepant)
Schmickler/Tilbury, Timekeepers CD (a-musik)
R.Schwarz, The Scale of Things LP (Gruenrekorder)
Shuttle358, Can You Prove I Was Born LP (12k)
Tapes, No Broken Hearts on This Factory Floor 2LP (EM Records)
U.S. Girls, Half Free LP/CD (4AD)
Anna von Hauswolff, The Miraculous 2LP/CD (City Slang)
Zugezogen Maskulin, Alles Brennt LP (Buback)

archival releases:

Amos & Crew, True Tears LP (War Extension)
Anima, Monte Alto LP (Youdonthavetocallitmusic)
William S. Burroughs, Nothing Here Now But The Recordings LP (Dais Records)
David Borden, Music for Amplified Keyboard Instruments LP/CD (Spectrum Spools)
Pascal Comelade & Les Liminanas, Traite De Guitarres Triolectiques LP/CD (Because Music)
Die Tödliche Doris, Die Unsichtbare LP 2LP (Major Label)
Arnold Dreyblatt, Second Selection 2LP (Black Truffle Records)
Family Fodder, Sunday Girls (Director’s Cut) LP/CD (Staubgold)
Ellen Fullman, Long String Instrument LP (Superior Viaduct)
Gruppo Di Improvvisazione Nuova Conso
Haku, Na Mele A Ka Haku (Music of Haku) LP/CD (EM Records)
Hama, Torodi LP (Sahel Sounds)
Richard Hamilton & Dieter Roth, Canciones De Cadaques 2x7“ (Primary Information)
Joe Jones, Solar Music at Sierksdorf, Ostsee LP (Edition Telemark)
Max Keller, Vier Politische Kompositionen für Tonband CD (Tochnit Aleph)
Kosmose, Kosmic Music from the Black Country 2LP/2CD (Sub Rosa)
Laraaji, Ambient 3: Day of Radiance LP/CD (Glitterbeat)
M.Zalla, Problem d'Oggi LP (Black Sweat Records)
Davide Mosconi, Mosconi Wagner CD (Alga Marghen)
Popol Vuh, Aguirre LP (Wah Wah)
Populäre Musik, Kollektion 03: Populäre Mechanik Compiled by Holger Hiller LP/CD (Bureau B)
Second Layer, World of Rubber 2LP (Dark Entries)
Veronique Vincent/Aksak Maboul/Honeymoon Killers, Ex-Futur Album LP/CD (Crammed Discs)
When, The Black Death LP (Ideologic Organ)
V.A., Early Pakistani Dance Music LP (Ovular)

a-musik staff picks december 2015

Goncalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater, A Study Into 21st Century Drone Acoustics LP (Discrepant)
Hongthong Dao-Udon, Bump Lam Phloen: Essential Hongthong Dao-Udon LP/CD (EM Records)
Family Fodder, Sunday Girls (Director’s Cut) LP/CD (Staubgold)
James Ferraro, Skid Row 2LP/CD (Break World Records)
Irmler/Oesterhelt, Formen 2LP (Klangbad)
Joe Jones, Solar Music at Sierksdorf, Ostsee LP (Edition Telemark)
Mamman, Sani Abdoulaye, Unreleased Tapes 1981-1984 LP (Sahel Sounds)
Meridian Brothers, Los Suicidas LP (Soundway)
Miki Yui, Oscilla LP/CD (Not On Label)
V.A., Landscapes of Fear 2CD (Gruenrekorder)

a-musik staff picks november 2015

Aymeric De Tapol, Les Horizons 12“ (Vlek)
Haku, Na Mele A Ka Haku (Music of Haku) LP/CD (EM Records)
Hieroglyphic Being, The Acid Documents 2LP/CD (Soul Jazz Records)
Hidden Rivers, Where Moss Grows LP/CD (Serein)
Philip Jeck, Cardinal 2LP (Touch)
Kode9, Nothing CD (Hyperdub)
Lu Katavist, Inburst LP (Cusp)
Peinemann | Tietchens, Harvestehude 2CD (Auf Abwegen)
V.A., In A Moment Ghost Box 2LP/2CD (Ghost Box)
V.A., The First Recordings of Sir Coxsone The Downbeat 1960-62 3CD/4LP (Soul Jazz)

X-mas Lausch 2015

Donnerstag 17.12.2015
ab 19 Uhr

Jingling with James Pants & Waltraud Blischke


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a-musik staff picks october 2015

John Chantler, Still Light, Outside LP/CD (1703 Skivbolaget)
Flanger, Lollopy Dripper 2LP/CD (Nonplace)
Stavros Gasparatos, Expanded Piano LP/CD (Ad Noiseam)
Laurel Halo, In Situ 2x12“/MCD (Honest Jon’s)
Johnny Kafta Anti-Vegetarian Orchestra, S/t LP (Discrepant)
Milan Knizak, Broken Music LP (Sub Rosa)
Laraaji, Ambient 3: Day of Radiance LP/CD (Glitterbeat)
Noisemashinetapes, Acid Deceit K7 (Sonig)
Schmickler/Tilbury, Timekeepers CD (a-musik)
Zombieflesheater, Bloodsport Soundclash K7 (ALARM)