News Overview
a-Musik staff picks march 2020
Marla Hansen, Dust LP/CD (Karaoke Kalk)
Jasmine Guffond, Microphone Permission LP (Editions Mego)
Jon Hassell, Vernal Equionox LP/CD (Ndeya)
Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Je Est Un Autre 2x10“ (Okraina)
Golem Mecanique, Nona, Decima et Morta LP (Ideologic Organ)
Julion De'Angelo / Viola Klein, We 12“ (Meakusma/Ominira/We)
Thomas Köner, Motus 2LP/CD (Mille Plateaux)
Dominik von Senger, Brüsseler Platz LP (Inversions)
Masumi Hara, 4 X A Dream LP (Numero Group)
Hiroshi Yoshimura, Music for Nine Post Cards LP (Empire of Signs)
a-Musik staff picks february 2020
John Chantler & Johannes Lund, Andersabo LP/CD (Not On Label)
Jan St. Werner, Molocular Meditation LP (Editions Mego)
Oval, Scis LP/CD (Thrill Jockey)
Will Guthrie, Nist-Nah LP/CD (Black Truffle)
Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene, Ipnopedion LP (La Sciee Dorée)
Ana da Silva & Phew, Island 2LP/CD (Shouting Out Loud!)
Severed Heads, Clean 2LP (Dark Entries)
Sven-Ake Johansson & Thomas Kapielski, Das Moabiter Duo – Recovered LP (Fantome Verlag)
Jon Gibson, Songs & Melodies 2LP (Superior Viaduct)
Pisse, Hornhaut ist der beste Handschuh 7“ (Phantom Records)
a-Musik staff picks january 2020
Pascal Comelade, Les Memoires d’un Ventriloque 2x10“ (Staubgold)
Danny Oxenberg, Bear Galvin & Friends, Early Abstractions, Vol.1 LP (Three:Four Records)
Roman Jungblut, Back To Where It Never Started EP (Not On Label)
Methlife, Healthweb Trilogy 3CD (5Dollar)
Drone, The Stilling LP (Pomperipossa Records)
Sourdure, Mantras 3LP (Ana Ott)
June Tyson, Saturnian Queen LP/CD (Modern Harmonic)
Bohren & Der Club Of Gore, Patchouli Blue 2LP/CD (Pias)
Deaf Center / Svarte Greiner, Owl Splinters / Twin 2LP (Miasmah)
Karkhana, Bitter Balls LP (Unrock)
a-Musik staff picks 2019
Neuveröffentlichungen / New releases
AAMM, „A“ Trio & AMM LP (Unrock)
Marja Ahti, Vegetal Negatives LP (Hallow Ground)
Anadol, Uzun Havanlar LP (Pingipung)
Caterina Barbieri, Ecstatic Compuatation LP (Editions Mego)
Brannten Schnüre, Durch unser zugedecktes Tal LP (Youdonthavetocallitmusic)
John Chantler, Tomorrow Is Too Late LP (Room40)
Chupame El Dedo, No Te Metas Con Satan LP (Souk Records)
Tim Collins & Reiko Goto with Chris Malcolm, Plein Air. Silva Datum Musica LP (Gruenrekorder)
Sarah Davachi, Pale Bloom LP (W.25th)
Disrupt, Omega Station LP (Jahtari)
Ellen Fullman & Okkyung Lee, The Air Around Her LP/CD (17Skivbolaget)
Frank Hurricane, Pymp World LP (Ultra Eczema)
Klangwart, Bogota LP/CD (Staubgold)
Kukangendai, Palm LP (Ideologic Organ)
Little Skull, A Light In The Window Will Guide Us Home Safely LP (Planam)
Ohio, S/t 2LP (12k)
Raymonde, Ce Qui Est En Bas Est Comme Ce Qui Est En Haut; Et Ce Qui Est En Haut Est Comme Ce Qui Est En Bas 2LP (Vlek)
Razen, Ayik Adhista, Adhista Ayik LP (Kraak)
Julia Reidy, In Real Life LP (Black Truffle)
Jonathan Scherk & Daniel Majer, It's Counterpart LP (Faitiche)
Marcus Schmickler, Particle/Matter - Wave/Energy LP (Kompakt)
Star Searchers, Avatar Blue 2CD (Pacific City Sound Vision)
Sunn O))), Life Metal 2LP/CD (Southern Lord)
V.A., Au-Delà LP (Meakusma)
Whodat / Viola Klein, Workshop 26 12“ (Workshop)
Archiv- und Wiederveröffentlichungen / Archival releases and reissues
BGM, Back Ground Music LP (Studio Mule)
Alice Coltrane, Transcendence (Antarctica Starts Here)
Coil, The Gay Man's Guide To Safer Sex +2 LP/CD (Musique Pour La Danse)
Die Tödliche Doris, Chöre & Soli 8CD (Suezan Studio)
Mort Garson, Mother Earth's Plantasia LP (Sacred Bones)
William Hooker, … Is Eternal Life 2LP (Superior Viaduct)
Len Liggins, 1982-1985 LP (Mauerstadtmusik)
Winfried Mühlum-Pyrapheros, Musica Nova Contemplativa LP (Blume)
Luigi Nono, Musica Manifesto N. 1 LP/CD (Die Schachtel)
Normal Brain, Lady Maid LP/CD (WRWTFWW)
People Like Us, The Mirror LP (Discrepant)
Roland Kayn, Scanning 10CD (Reiger-Records-Reeks)
Basil Kirchin, Worlds Within Worlds LP (Trunk)
Katalin Ladik, Phonopoetics LP (Alga Marghen)
Roy Montgomery, Scenes from the South Island 2LP (Yellow Electric)
Anthony Moore, Pieces from the Cloudland Ballroom LP (Wah Wah Records)
Laurie Spiegel, Unseen Worlds 2LP/CD (Unseen Worlds)
Horace Tapscott with The Pan-Afrikan Peooples Arkestra, Live at I.U.C.C. 3LP (Outernational Sounds)
Jacques Thollot, Quand Le Son Devient Aigu, Jeter La Giraffe A La Mer LP (Souffle Continu)
V.A., Noises LP (Cortizona)
V.A., Strain, Crack & Break. Music from the Nurse With Wound List Vol.1 2LP (Finders Keepers)
Mika Vainio, M.T.V. 15.05.63-12.04.2017 Book & CD (Blast First Petite)
Edward Vesala, Jimi Tenor, Iro Haarla, Jimi Sumén, Matti Knaapi, City of Women II LP (Sähkö Recordings)
Werkbund, Tanz und Andacht LP (Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien)
Woo, All Is Well LP (Slowboy)
a-Musik staff picks december 2019
Konrad Kraft, Oval LP (Auf Abwegen)
Jo Zimmermann, Die Pute nascht am Berg der Erkenntnis Book (Strzelecki Books)
Roy Montgomery, Scenes from the South Island 2LP (Yellow Electric)
Anthony Moore, Pieces from the Cloudland Ballroom LP (Wah Wah Records)
MME dUO, awholerunboom 2LP (makiphon)
Robert Ashley, Automatic Writing LP (Lovely Music)
Star Searchers, Avatar Blue 2CD (Pacific City Sound Vision)
Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, Ritme Jaavdanegi LP (Latency)
Seefeel, Peel Session 12“ (Warp)
Brannten Schnüre, Durch unser zugedecktes Tal LP (Youdonthavetocallitmusic)
a-Musik staff picks november 2019
Thomas Brinkmann, Raupenbahn LP (Editions Mego)
V.A., Strain, Crack & Break. Music from the Nurse With Wound List Vol.1 2LP (Finders Keepers)
Blake Hargreaves, Improvisation of the Pipe Organs of Europe LP (Ultra Eczema)
Lori Goldston, Things Opening LP (Second Editions)
Jim O’Rourke, To Magnetize Money and Catch a Roving Eye 4CD (Sonoris)
Only Now, Captivity LP (Souk Records)
Doug Hammond, Ellipse LP (Manufactured Recordings)
Jonathan Scherk & Daniel Majer, It's Counterpart LP (Faitiche)
First Tone, Reactions 2LP (Spectrum Spools)
Swans, Leaving Meaning 2LP/CD (Mute)
a-Musik staff picks october 2019
a-Musik staff picks september 2019
Anadol, Uzun Havalar LP (Pingipung)
Remo Seeland, Hollow Body LP (Hallow Ground)
Woo, All Is Well LP (Slowboy)
Renaldo & The Loaf, Songs for Swinging Larvae / Songs from the Surgery 2LP (Editions Mego)
Koehler, Winged EP 12“ (Disk)
Periode, 1/2/3 EP 12“ (Weltschmerz Verlag)
Tidy Kid, Selected Works 06-10 LP (Hauch)
Francois J. Bonnet & Stephen O’Malley, Cylene 2LP (repress Ende September)
Microtub, Chronic Shift LP (Bohemian Drips)
The Cray Twins, In The Company Of Architects CD (Fang Bomb)
a-Musik staff picks august 2019
Edward Vesala, Jimi Tenor, Iro Haarla, Jimi Sumén, Matti Knaapi, City of Women II LP (Sähkö Recordings)
testcard 26: Utopien Book (testcard)
Mark Fisher & Justin Barton, On Vanishing Land LP (Flatlines)
Len Liggins, 1982-1985 LP (Mauerstadtmusik)
Ian MacFarlane, Planetarium LP (The Roundtable)
Art Ensemble of Chicago, We Are On The Edge 2LP/4LP (Erased Tapes)
Takayuki Shiraishi, Missing Link LP (Studio Mule)
Coil, The Gay Man's Guide To Safer Sex +2 LP/CD (Musique Pour La Danse)
The Deontic Miracle, Selections from 100 Models of Hegikan Roku 2LP (Empty Editions)
Mika Vainio, M.T.V. 15.05.63-12.04.2017 Book & CD (Blast First Petite)
a-Musik staff picks july 2019
Tim Collins & Reiko Goto with Chris Malcolm, Plein Air. Silva Datum Musica LP (Gruenrekorder)
Katalin Ladik, Phonopoetics LP (Alga Marghen)
Michael Zerang, Assyrian Caesarean LP (Holidays Records)
Winfried Mühlum-Pyrapheros, Musica Nova Contemplativa LP (Blume)
Raymonde, Ce Qui Est En Bas Est Comme Ce Qui Est En Haut; Et Ce Qui Est En Haut Est Comme Ce Qui Est En Bas 2LP (Vlek)
Nivhek, After Its Own Death / Walking In A Spiral Towards The House 2LP (W.25TH)
Kevin Richard Martin, Sirens LP (Room40)
Jacques Thollot, Quand Le Son Devient Aigu, Jeter La Girafe À La Mer LP (Souffle Continu Records)
Mort Garson, Mother Earth's Plantasia LP (Sacred Bones)
"Blue" Gene Tyranny, Out Of The Blue LP/CD (Unseen Worlds)